Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 6 #RamadanTazkirah: Save me...

I'm lost.
Lost within time,
Lost within worlds,
Lost within memories.

Yet You remain.
Remain by my side. 
Despite my heartless move to turn away.
From You who fairs my fate. 

Honestly, who manage to live their life happily and peacefully without a single thought of God in his mind? Well none. Because the belief of One God is part of our nature, a part of us. 

We were sent down on this earth for that very purpose. To worship Allah. The rest is just a matter and a means to make us feel closer to him, to use our time wisely while we are waiting for that very moment to meet him.

To be fair, I was lost too.

I was lost once, twice, plenty of time. I did not know the meaning of life but I was searching. I'm am a rather Right Brain person so logic could not add me up. I know that there is something on this earth that we are meant to focus on. 

But I was still lost.

I choose to focus on entertainment, social life, being 'happy', being the center of attention, being lost in the world where I thought it was my lifestyle, my muse, my real self. 

But I still cried of loneliness, 
I still cried of insecurity, 
I still cried of emptiness. 

Those lifestyle was nothing but poison. I was lost. I asked Allah for help. I know He is God, but I did not know the reason behind the worship but now I do. 

Our life will forever be empty and astray if we lose Him. We need Him. We need Him more that we thought we do. Cling to Him till our last breath. Till our ending. Till our new beginning. 

We are lost, we need to be saved. 

The only one who can save us is Him. The Al-Mighty Allah.
Thanks Allah, for saving me.

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