Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12 [Part II]


Hey, you know my last post..? It's my 120 post for this blog. How ironic right? 12.12.12 and the 120 post? #Awesomeness!

Anyway, this won't be long. I want to be able to post this before 12.12.12 ends. I don't even know why it is that special. Well, to be honest, I did not do much tonight. Just accompany Raja to buy some food and such. Not much of an interest. 

So, as an ending to tonight's "event".. I wanna share something. I'm not really good at giving tazkirah that have the Ayat Quran and Hadith even though I would looooove to be good at it. The thing I would like to share is about restraining your needs to do something stupid

What I meant by stupid as above is not being an unintelligent person yet it means that stupid in terms of your virtues or akhlak. 

Oh my God, I hate being too formal. 

Well, to restrain your needs to make sin is simple, you have to avoid all path that leads to it. For instant, if you do not want to involve yourself in a Haram relationship, you must avoid the road that leads to it including the connection between the two of you. Only communicate if its important and if its not then let bygone be bygone. 

Ok, that doesn't really suit the word structure. Oh, well.

Then, do not let yourself to imagine yourself doing it of the 'what ifs'. You know that the what ifs is Shaitan's evil spell to make us question our fate and Allah's planning. So don't ever imagine: "What if I sent him a 'be safe' message? Maybe he will think about me." or "What if I lie? It might not be this complicated" Do not ever go there! Y? Because then you will be both ungrateful and an Idiot. 

Lastly, be strong! Be strong in restraining it. Remember, there are other rewards for you. Much BIGGER! Much VALUABLE! and much BETTER! So stay strong, act strong and be strong. 

That is all.. Sorry If it sounds weird and well, wrong. I am kind of in a mood to sleep. So whatever it is, good bye and good night. I'm going to sleep! Gahh!

Goodbye 12.12.12, I will never ever ever ever see you again. And your little traditional and game. BooHoo!


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